Discussion before this formal customer-service platform. I wrote such articles after being dismissed from the United Methodist religious sect, my community neighbors and my then-husband's attitude. The first written article was distributed in autumn/winter 2005.
Family Quilt Newsletter
Table of Contents
A Note from Sherlene
Believer's Kingdom (Entrepreneurial Advice)
What's On the Menu? (Nutrition, Recipes, etc.)
Education Dialogue (Education, Child Care, Local School News)
Right (the) Rights (Politics, Top Stories of Minority News)
Wants/Needs (Sales, Bartering Advice)
Not Another Ripoff (Real Estate, Jobs, Announcements)
Hallelujah 'N' Amen (Church news)
With this Body, I Create (The Arts - Gifts and Talents)
Calendar Preview (Social Events, etc.)
Note: This newsletter is not intended to offend any religion, race, or person. It is not my ministry calling to convert anyone.
2006 Theme: Persevering to Prosperity
February Edition
Thank you for your monetary donation for this edition of the Kingdoms' Quilt. Your contribution helps to pay for the publishing and distribution expenses. This year, we will include words for the month, monthly sermons, prayers, and monthly scripture readings.
_Word for the Month_ (Speak the words daily.)
1. Faith - belief in desires and the impossible
2. Hope - set realistic goals and long-term (future) goals
3. Love - patience and kindness; endurance of self and others
_Prayer for the Month _
Morning Prayer for Guidance
Be with me as I start this new day, God. Be with my brothers and sisters, in the faith, everywhere. We ask for you to direct us so that we will never go astray. Lead us in the right directions. We pray for this in your name. Amen.
Noon Prayer for Prosperity
Merciful God, you know all my needs, indeed, all that I have comes from you, the Grantor of everlasting gifts. My brothers and sisters and I ask for you to add to our many blessings. We ask for increased prosperity. We want to be able to live independently, and not be in debt to anyone. And with your help we can meet that desire. Thank you, in Jesus name. Amen.
Evening Prayer for Healing
Another year comes, dear Father, and I would like to start this new year by asking you to be with me every step of the way. I need godly strength to hold up under life's situations. I pray that 2006 will be a good year for all believers and me. Give us restful nights so that our days may be pleasant and productive. Keep us from sickness. Bless us all lifting away any troubles that might be weighing upon our bodies and minds. Yes, deliver my brother and sisters in the faith from all sickness, all pain, all tiredness and care. May we rest knowing that you are shielding us from all harm and evil as we sleep. Amen.
_Scripture for the Month_
Holy Bible, King James Version
I Corinthians, Chapter 13 (all)
Holy Qu'ran translation
Surah II:177
"The Holy Quran speaks little of love. It speaks of duty as a faith believer who acknowledges God (Allah). Man is love. God is love." -Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam (U.S. African American Muslim organization)
_Believer's Kingdom_
My achievable goal for January was to have a listing of all minority business owners in Kent County to share with you in this special edition (Black History Month). What was your achievable goal? Did you achieve your goal? Coming in April, the Baltimore Times will publish a small, minority business, magazine. For more information call (410) 366-3900. I am hoping to have the website available for you no later than the beginning of March. It will include all minority business owners who read this monthly newsletter.
Interesting Websites
_What's On the Menu?_
Valentine's Day Dessert
Oreo Ice Cream Shop Pie
1/2 cup hot fudge
1 Oreo pie crust
1 tub COOL Whip
2 pkg. Oreo flavor instant pudding & pie filling
1 1/4 cup cold milk
Directions: Remove 2 tbsp. of the fudge topping and set aside. Spoon remaining fudge topping into crust. Spred to evenly cover the bottom of crust. Top with half of whipped topping, freeze (10 minutes). Next, pour milk into large bowl. Add dry pudding mixes. Beat with wire whisk two minutes or until well blended. (Mixture will be thick.) Gently stir in remaining whipped topping. Spoon over whipped topping layer in crust. Freeze four hours or until firm. Remove pie from freezer (15 minutes) before serving. Let pie stand at room temperature to soften slightly. Drizzle with remaining fudge topping. Store leftover pie in freezer. Makes 10 servings.
_Mary Bethune's Dialogue_
Don't forget to complete financial aid forms for college/private school by March 1, 2006 (state scholarship deadline, Maryland).
Books to read
African American Millionaires by Otho Richard Sullivan
Morning by Morning by Paula Penn-Nabrit
Succeeding Against the Odds by John Johnson
And She Lived Happily Ever After by Skip McDonald
I Love You More by Drs. Les & Leslie Parrott
_Hallelujah 'n' Amen_
Thursday Bible Study is available for senior citizens, adults, and youth in Kent County, MD (old meeting place: Kent County Public Library). Please contact the church office for more information. The ministry will now sponsor a community food/children's clothing pantry in Rock Hall on Rock Hall Road near Edesville Park, each Saturday at 9 a.m. - 12 noon. Free child care for teen-age parents only, third Saturday evening of every month.
Strengths that we can improve in 2006
Cooperative economics
Collective work/responsibility
Poem: Dare to be Happy
Author Unknown
Dare to be happy -don't shy away.
Reach out and capture the joy of today!
Life is for living? Give it a try!
Open your heart to the beauty of the sky.
Dare to be loving, and trusting, and true;
Treasure the hours with those dear to you.
Dare to be kind--it's more fun than you know;
Give joy to others, and watch your own grow.
Dare to be happy, don't be afraid-
This is the day which the Lord has made!
Poem: A Pattern for the New Year
Author Unknown
Love one another as I have loved you.
May seem impossible to do, but if you will trust and believe,
great are the joys that you will receive.
For love makes us patient, understanding, and kind, and
we judge with our heart and not with our mind.
For as soon as love enters the heart's opened door,
the faults we once saw are not there anymore,
and the things that seemed wrong begin to look right
when viewed in the softness of love's gentle light.
For love works in ways that are wondrous and strange
and there is nothing in life that love cannot change,
and all that God promised will someday come true
when you love one another the way He loved you.
March Edition (only page 2 available)
_Prayer for the Month_
Morning Prayer for Guidance
Father, thank you for allowing my brothers and sisters in the faith and me to see another day. Allow my thoughts and works to be of you. Let me speak kind and healing words to those I meet today. Amen.
Noon Prayer for Prosperity
Most wise God, I need your help. Teach me how to take what I have to create my desirable lifestyle. And as I prosper I will remember to honor you. Amen.
Evening Prayer for Healing
Lord, I have had a productive day. I would like you to heal my hurts as I am resting so that when I arise I will be able to show your mercy. I will say that this is the day that the Lord has made, in Jesus name. Amen.
_Believer's Kingdom_
We recently celebrated black history month: We will continue to achieve higher hopes this month and the months to come in 2006. Are there any new entrepreneurs to add to the community directory? Have any of our entrepreneurs achieved a profit in their sales for the first two months of this new year?
_What's on the Menu?_
Food for the soul, scriptures from the Holy Bible, King James Version.
Proverbs 31
I Corinthians 7:14 -15; 7:34; 10:29-33; 11:8-18
II Corinthians 16:24
Holy Qu'ran translation
Surah II:221
Surah IV:19
Surah XXXIII:35, 73
_Mary Bethune's Dialogue_
My honorees for women history month are as follow. There are soo many that I am unable to include all of them, I do apologize. I thank the Most High God that we all are able to have shared their presence in our lives.
Mary Bethune - Educator
An African American woman who had a desire to start a school for blacks. Ms. Bethune had a difficult time being an entrepreneur in her hometown. She almost gave up: one of her friends advised her to move to a new developing area, Florida. She moved. Bethune, with a $1.50 and a donated commercial building, started a school for Methodist faith believers. Today, with the assistance of the Methodist Conference, the school is known as Mary Bethune College and a majority are considered Methodist students.
Coretta Scott King - Singer, Freedom Fighter
A mother of two ladies and two men. A friend to the Peace Movement, and wife to the dreamer (Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.). She was not only Martin's wife she was a freedom fighter in her own right.
Ethel Hicks - An ordinary woman; wife, and mother
A mother of fifteen children (eight girls, seven boys), Hicks was known to have started one of the first Department of Social Services for blacks in her neighborhood (Rock Hall, Maryland). (Her immediate household participated in the official local Department of Social Services beginning in 1933 - 2007.)
She gave to others when there was no more to give (i.e., food, housing, nurturing). She provided the best medical assistance program that she knew: prayer and care. Food was always available in her kitchen if you were hungry. Hicks, a part of the Native American ethnicity, was blessed to see over 100 years of life (Sunrise November 1, 1901; Sunset September 20, 2004). The Hicks' House and land, that her husband worked so hard for, still remains in tact today (2006).
Ethel Hicks, an ordinary woman, was my great-grandmother.
Now is the time to get started on your gardens. Make certain that you use planting seeds that are non-allergic to your household. I invite you to be a part of the garden club. To be included, just make sure to add colorful flowering plants. Be creative in the layout of your design area and vegetable gardens.
God bless you all.
Peace, unity, and love,
Sherlene Stevens-Gould, Evangelist
April Edition
This newsletter is in honor of my great-grandfather, Oscar Hicks (Sunrise: April 8, 1899; Sunset: September 22, 1989). He was a lay speaker in the United Methodist denomination who believed in strong families.
Praise God! We have had a memorable women history month. Men, do not be jealous of your virtuous women; your month is coming. The Irish holiday (St. Patrick's Day) was understood and celebrated. Did you wear green to acknowledge the ethnicity tradition? I know who my active readers are. I saw some of you wearing green.
I was given the opportunity to visit areas that I had not visited in a long time. Some of the buildings are no longer standing. They were torn down, or remodeled to give a present-day appearance. Thank God that women have many opportunities to accomplish their goals in this modern world.
April is education history month. Easter is also celebrated this month by many religious organizations.
Easter Sermon
Sermon Topic: Where Are the No-Good Men?
Written: 2004 (I wrote this during my United Methodist lay speaker's training and religious participations in my community, Kent County, Maryland.)
Men, you are not perfect. You never will be until Jesus comes again. Jesus said he, himself, is not any good. For Matthew 19:17 (Holy Bible) says... Men, please say aloud, "I want to be a what?!' 'No, good man." Did I hear you say that you wanted to be an evil doer? A lazy man? A poor man? A slave? A nonbeliever? Unfaithful? A man lacking wisdom? No. I believe that you have said to your souls that you want to be a--no--good man.
Let me explain who is a no, good man. You can identify him by using Jesus' life while he was traveling on earth. A no, good man:
walks on water (Faith).
saves his community and family.
heals hurting people.
trains children.
cries (Lazarus, the story of real friendship).
labors (toils for the Kingdom).
has wealth, some form of blessing.
is alive, are you dead? (read Matthew 10:41 for further study.)
Scientist will tell you a human is created by an egg: has flesh--skin, blood, muscles. However, the no, good man that I know tells me that we are all of that. We are also made up of a body with a soul and spirit. I want to know today if you have a demonic soul, or a righteous soul? Kings (Men), I see your bodies and everyone has a spirit. What about your soul? What would your soul say to me? If you have a righteous soul say, "Jesus." If you have a demonic soul call on that no, good man whose name is spelled J-E-S-U-S. Satan you have got to flee. Satan's job is to steal, kill, and destroy. He comes to tempt you, but your soul will help you. The Holy Spirit will guide you against the evil one's attacks. The AntiChrist is roaming folks.
Give God some praise. Get knowledge; give it to your soul. Give it to your soul. For Isiah 11:2 says...if you have knowledge you will became a true no, good man that God wants you to be. If Jesus considered himself a no-good man than you can become a no, good man. Jesus (or Yehua/Isa) has the Holy Spirit, is wise and understanding, counsels, is strong in the faith, fears the most wise God, takes care of his responsibilities, and is a son and not a daughter, and not a man wanting or desiring to do what their woman is doing (strive to not covet your woman and her ways of helping in your unique household). One more time, men, for the Father--the Son--the Holy Ghost, "I want to be a no, good man."
God bless you.
Peace, unity, and love,
Sherlene Stevens-Gould, Evangelist
Word for the Month (Speak the words daily.)
1. Wisdom - the ability to have godly insight or judgment.
2. Education - instructions that provide knowledge to a person who is "willing" to learn a topic or task.
3. Weapons of a believer - faith, prayer, love, patience, and wisdom.
4. Abundance - more of an object or thing that is normally required.
_Prayer for the Month_
Morning Prayer for Guidance
Father, who art in heaven hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as it already is in
heaven. Lord, give us this day and everyday our daily bread. Forgive us of our debts as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptations but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, the glory, for ever. In the name of Jesus I ask that you be with us as we put on our soldier's uniform. Amen.
Soldier War Tools for Faith Believers (Ephesians 6:10-17)
Helmet of Salvation
Sword of the Spirit
Shield of Faith
Belt of Truth
Feet sandeled with the readiness of the Gospel of peace
Noon Prayer for Prosperity
Most wise God, thank you for wisdom not wisdom of man. Thank you for understanding. Allow me to have blessings of godly finances while I live on earth. Surely, God you don't want us to wait until we go to heaven to enjoy prosperity. In the name of Jesus, I thank you. Amen.
Evening Prayer for Healing
Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. Jesus I ask you to heal my hurts and pain, if any exist. I pray that you send the Holy Spirit to heal and revive my community, my country, and my world. For you say the healed do not need a doctor and I thank you. Amen.
_What's on the Menu?_
Food for the soul. (Holy Bible, King James Version)
Isaiah 55:8-13; 56:1-12
Judges 3:2
Proverbs 20:15
2 Corinthians 5:17
Holy Qu'ran translation
Isa means Jesus
Surah II:87-90
Surah III:45-62
Surah XLIX:12-18
_Mary Bethune's Dialogue_
Parents. Proverbs is a good read for your young men. Another interesting read, "Shine" by Star Jones and "Babylon Sisters" by Pearl Cleage.
_Right (the) Rights_
Education history month: Every child has the right to be taught whether it be in a public or private school, chartered, or home school. All children must begin formal learning by the age of 5 (most states' educational law).
Faith believers and professional workers our formal uniforms are on sale after the Easter holiday: dresses, skirts, dress shoes, ties, and dress shirts. Let us respect God in his temple, mosque, or sanctuary by wearing our best appearance (a sacrifice of the normalcy of the appearance within our unique household; don't go over your spending budget or that is considered idolatry). Can't afford to shop? Use what you have to get where you're going.
May Edition
Hola (Spanish Hello)! Mother, happy mother's month. I take this opportunity to thank my four children for being a part of my life. Mommy loves you. Don't ever doubt or question my love for you.
This month, the Hispanic citizens of the U.S. will celebrate Cinco de Mayo on May 5, 2006. Cinco de Mayo is the celebration of the victory during the French invasion to Mexico in 1862. The Mexican traditional colors are red, white, and green.
Traditional euro-religion will tell you that children are a distraction, evil, and can not be taught very much. Children fill our lives with love, laughter, and memories. God, through his word, informs us that children are a blessing. Think before producing a child in this world, and multiply the Earth with them. Be careful how you treat them; and, when in doubt use your weapons that all believers' know and understand.
God bless you all.
Peace, unity, and love,
Sherlene Stevens-Gould, Evangelist
Word for the Month
1. Mother - a female who has birthed a baby or that has adopted a baby or child
2. Weapons of a believer - faith, prayer, love, patience, and wisdom
3. Curse - an evilness that has taken concentration away from a person, family, or people to be in control of having a godly lifestyle or advancing; can be destroyed by using weapons of a believer, if you believe
4. Blessing - any thing that is good that is accepted by God or is of God
_Prayer for the Month_
Morning Prayer for Guidance
Dear God, Thank you for allowing me to awaken this day. I will use this day to glorify you. Today, I will be productive in my tasks or goals. Shield me from the evil that may try to interfere with my day. Guide me in the direction that you already have set before me. I ask that Jesus be with me and the Holy Spirit around me. Amen.
Noon Prayer for Prosperity
I love you, God. I am perservering to prosperity that I believe you have for me. I will be a blessing for those who are in need. Thank you for the talents that you have given to me. Amen.
Evening Prayer for Healing
Father, I have had a productive and prosperous day. I glorified you by wearing my soldier's uniform. I considered someone else's need and I blessed them. I pretended that I had the prosperity that you said is mine. Daddy, I believe and I will trust you. I realize your time is not my time. Now, I ask that you heal my hurts and pains if any exist. Amen.
_Believer's Kingdom_
Focus on your goals and don't give up on your entrepreneurial plans. I desire the day that I may personally speak to each of you. I have considered the thought that you may not understand, or you may have misinterpreted something that I have written to you. Pentecost remembrance: The Israelites did not imagine that it would take 40 years to get to the Promise Land. They were complainers and were not disciplined to obeying the instructions of Moses, the new (faith) community's leader.
_What's on the Menu?_
Now that spring has sprung, try to include more fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables each day.
_Mary Bethune's Dialogue_
Mother Ruby Muhammad is honored as the "Mother of the Nation of Islam." She was born in 1897 in Sandersville, Georgia. Mother Ruby is still active and still participates in the faith. By the way, if you have not calculated her age she is 109 years of age.
Book List
Official women's magazine of the Million More Movement on www.virtuemag.com
Education is the Key by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.
The Busy Mom's Guide to Prayer by Lisa Whelchel.
Help, I'm Married to a Homeschooling Mom by Todd Wilson.
_Right (the) Rights_
"Cinco de Mayo is a symbol that all people of the world--yesterday, today, and tomorrow--will fight curtailment of the most beloved principle of freedom and liberty." -Mexican Representative
In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson enacted Mother's Day as an American holiday.
To save money on traveling, why not commute to work with a co-worker or friend? To church with a member?
_Not Another Ripoff_
You may have to water your gardens this month, garden-club members. Not a member, join us! Just be creative in your garden designs. Try to water your gardens early in the morning or late in the evening.
Perennials - only bloom for the season
Annuals - plant once; blooms year after year at a specified time
If you are not sure of your selection, ask the store clerk.
Calendar Preview
May 4 National Day of Prayer
May 5 Cinco de Mayo
May 14 Mother's Day and Pentecost (Shavuoth)
May 29 Memorial Day
June is Happy Father's Month
_With this Body, I Create_
Mother's Day gift idea: Create/design/make something for your Madre (Mother).
Poem: My Dear Mother
Author Unknown
To one who bears the sweetest name,
and adds luster to the same.
Long life to her, for there is no other,
who can take the place of my dear mother.
Happy Mother's Day to my dear mother, Arlene.
_Scripture of the Month_
Holy Bible - King James Version
Ezekiel 18:29-30; 19:1-14
Galations 4:1-31
Ephesians 6:1-8
Holy Qu'ran translation
Surah XLVI:15-35
June Edition
Happy father's month to my spritual fathers and father, Emmanuel. To all fathers, I greet you with mercy and love. (From a sermon) If you do not like that I wear gold or glitter on my clothes, you will be surprised what is in heaven.
I tell you there are many people who think they are going to heaven. Many, are not going because of jealousy and other ungodliness. Readers, you must understand that heaven starts on earth. Hell starts on earth, too. Heaven is available to each and every one. One thing that is for sure, your end will be Heaven or Hell. You must decide whether to live in heaven or Hell during your earth life. Evaluate your attitude or feelings of daily tasks and tribulations. If you get frustrated, get to work at it again. Endurance is powerful, it stops the Devil...
You must choose this day whom you will serve. If it is Satan than serve him. If you have chosen God (Allah, Yahweh) then you must start thinking godly thoughts: do what the true Creator has said to do. Some of you have created your own daily heaven or hell. Others, it was well planned by demonic forces for you to fail. Try again. The Devil can not touch a believer who has enduring faith.
I have experienced some hellish seasons where I have felt like testifying: My ministry has been criticized by the people that I have tried to help. The judicial system and their assisted agencies made attacks against me for what is legally correct and fair. After thirteen court-ordered assessments to evaluate my philosophy of human rights, they now know that I have what they refer to as ESP (no, a historian of cultural attitudes). By the way, they wanted me to participate in one more! I was ordered away from my biological children who I was home schooling at the time to participate in this foolishness. Some may refer to it as ESP, I prefer using the terms "gifting" and "talent" of an educated mind. In order to learn anything in life you must be like children. This is why I preach often of understanding your gifts and talents. In accordance with my (United Methodist) faith I talk the godly talk and I walk the godly walk.
Oh, what a joy when you repent, readers. Otherwise, you must continue the daily habit of telling lies to cover up old lies. Men, what is keeping you from having heaven on earth? Repent, I say repent. Was it something you did many years ago? Tell the Master of your faith. Repent, today! I am certain your pastors will have many godly-man programs for you this month.
God bless you all.
Peace, unity, and love,
Sherlene Stevens-Gould,
Your female evangelist and former United Methodist lay speaker
Word for the Month
1. Father - a male who has provided sperm for reproduction, or that has adopted a baby or a child.
2. Repentance - asking God for forgiveness from an ungodly act.
3. Fitness - any form of exercise that one participates for at least fifteen minutes several times a week.
4. Brotherly love - acceptance of another male faith believer; providing encouragement or showing kindness/empathy to another male believer.
5. Praise - how one glorifies God in rhythmic actions.
_Scripture for the Month_
Holy Bible - King James Version
For fatherly instruction - Proverbs (all)
Holy Qu'ran translation
Surah II:61-64
_Prayer for the Month_
Morning Prayer for Guidance
Dear God, our father which are in heaven; hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it already is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debt as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from all evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.
Noon Prayer for Prosperity
Serenity Prayer: God, grant me the "serenity" to accept the things I cannot change. "Courage" to change the things I can, and "wisdom" to know the difference. Amen.
Evening Prayer for Healing
Take a moment and think of the things you have done today. Were they productive and godly? If not, repent to God.
Dear God: Thank you for this day. I encouraged my brother/sister to continue in a godly lifestyle. I showed affection to my spouse or loved one. I gave my child(ren) a hug and said, "I love you." Father, may I forever remember to hug my child--no matter their age--along with encouraging words that they will always remember. By doing so, they will know that they are loved. I praise you. As I praise you, God heal me from my illnesses if any exist. In Jesus name my soul says, "Amen."
Prayer for Male Readers
Father, I ask that you bless the men with additional finances to decrease their debt. Lord, we are perservering to prosperity. Allow the men to have enough faith to trust and believe in you. Let them know that every day is a new day to get up and rise to a higher level in their faith. By doing so they will bless their households. Give them the hearts to have brotherly love: unity, peace, and kindness to one another. Give them wisdom and understanding. And as they become the "man" in their households, allow their children and spouse/loved one to respect and appreciate the certainty that all good and disciplined men are yours. Amen.
_Believer's Kingdom_
June is small business achievement month.
_Mary Bethune's Dialogue_
I have not received new box top lables, or responses to volunteering on the committee for the reopening of the faith-based organization, A Time To Learn. I realize that some of you are much to busy with other tasks to reply to my request. My prayers are with you my sisters/brothers in the faith.
_Right (the) Rights_
In 1909, the first Father's Day was celebrated. A daughter decided to honor her father who was raising her alone after a celebration of the traditional Mother's Day celebration.
In 1972, President Richard Nixon signed the official day of honor to fathers.
Garden club members: I pray that your faith has manifested in experiencing the blessings from your commitment to planting colorful godly smiles (and vegetables).
Calendar Preview
June is father's month.
June 14 - Flag Day
June 18 - Father's Day
June 21 - Summer begins
_With this Body, I Create_
Father's Day gift idea: Create/design/make something for your father (or whom you consider your father). Men, do not forget to say, "I love you." You should also write these three special words on a holiday card.
Poem: Mother to Son by Langston Hughes
Well Son, I'll tell you: Life for me ain't been no crystal stair.
It's had tacks in it, and splinters and boards torn up, and places with no carpet on the floor--bare.
But all the time I'se been a-climbin' on, and reachin' landin's, and turnin' corners, and sometimes goin' in the dark where there ain't been no light.
So boy, don't you turn back.
Don't you set down on the steps 'cause you finds it's kinder hard.
Don't you fall now--For I'se still goin,' honey, I'se still climbin,' And life for me ain't been no crystal stair.
July Edition
Happy birthday to all July babies and me. Happy birthday to our nation.
"When I was a child, I spake as a child. I understood as a child, but when I became a grown-person I put away childish things. -1 Corinthians 13:11 (Holy Bible)
I feel like preaching and sharing today, my brothers and sisters. Instead, I will give you a prophetic (practicing the prophetic calling of ministry) word. I greet you with mercy and love. Yet, slow to speak. I speak to you not with the gifting of tongues because you may not understand what I am saying. I write to you with peace in my heart and wisdom and understanding in my soul.
This month, we will celebrate our nation's independence. Let's celebrate! While we celebrate let us celebrate education independence and relationship independence. Yes, while we are celebrating let us celebrate financial independence. After all, this year we are persevering to what? Answer: prosperity. I want all believers to celebrate our freedoms all month. Celebrate your Mondays through Fridays; Celebrate your Saturdays, and on Sundays--the celebration should continue--with praise and worship to the true Creator of us all.
Peace, unity, and love,
Sherlene Stevens-Gould, Evangelist
Word for the Month
1. Independent - separate from other entities, groups, or people in thinking or formation.
2. Endurance - do, and continue doing until a final outcome is achieved.
3. Choice - freedom to decide on a given situation without persuasion by a person or persons.
4. Birth - the creation of some thing or some one.
5. Civil War - a dispute between many human beings because of some form of injustice or lack of true knowledge.
_Prayer for the Month_
Morning Prayer for Guidance
Lord, I celebrate seeing another day. Thank you Father. Guide me today, Holy Spirit, so that I may glorify God. I pray in the name of Jesus (Yeshua, Isa) for unity of believers. I pray for our judicial systems and people of political persuasion within the United States of America. I pray that I will have unsupervised visits with my four children (parent rights issue regardless of race or referred to as a movement, home schooling). I thought that home schooling my kids was best for "my children." I did not realize that my parenting could lead others to seek alternative education experiences. I just pray, always, that I can help somebody and that my living is not in vein. Amen.
Noon Prayer for Prosperity
God, I celebrate this mid-day hour. I celebrate it because the morning hours were blessed and productive. I pray for prosperity. I am achieving my goals and financial budget. My debt is slowly decreasing. My faith in you is quickly increasing. I am expecting godly abundance. I am gaining financial freedom and personal independence from Satan. Amen.
Evening Prayer for Healing
Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep. When in the morning light I wake, show me the path of love to take. Heal me from trials. May I continue to be blessed in health and religious independence. Amen.
_What's on the Menu?_
You can purchase fresh produce at the Chestertown (Down town near High Street) Park Saturdays until Christmas, 8-12 noon.
Prayer for reducing bad eating habits:
Thank you for food for the body and food for the soul. I realize that I must eat to survive and I will not eat for abundance (Manna) God said,"take enough to eat for today..." Avoid stuffing your body with food. Eat only what you need to survive the day. If you are blessed to see another day, there will be more for tomorrow. The race is not given to the swift, but to the one who endures.
_Mary Bethune's Dialogue_
Crown theatres are offering free movie tickets to children who have received good grades on their recent report card, www.crowntheatres.com/promotions
Kent County Public Schools has a new school superintendent.
Book list
America's Birthday by Tom Shachtman
My First Fourth of July Book by Harriet W. Hodgson
Leaders that Last by Gary Kinnamon/Alfred Ells
Angry People: What We Learn from Them by Warren Wiensbe
Moving from Shame to Self-Worth by Edward Wimberly
(I attached a list of independent schools on the Shore.)
"Train up a child in the way it should go and when it is old it will not depart from it." -Proverbs 22:6
_Right (the) Rights_
Did you know that President Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died on July 4, 1826. President James Monroe died on July 4, 1831. The 4th of July was not celebrated during the Civil War and for some time afterward.
The first observance of Independence Day was in Philadelphia, PA in 1877. "When the righteous are in authority the people rejoice, but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn."
Calendar Preview
July is celebration of births' month.
Poem: Birthday
It happens but once a year, this day to celebrate the uniqueness of you.
God, created none like you. He loves you and cherishes you,
for when you were born God widened his embrace of love.
May you always remember how very precious you are
to your Heavenly Father, especially on this day,
your birthday.
"Babies are a gift from God. All that He does is splendid and majestic. I will praise thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." -Psalms 139:14
_Scripture of the Month_
Holy Bible - King James Version
Genesis 1:16
Psalm 104:1-35; 148:3
Jeremiah 8:5-9
Isaiah 59:14-21
Job 33:1-18, 27-33
Holy Qu'ran translation
Surah 9:122-129
Surah 16:72-78
Surah 27:64-93
Surah 53:39-46
October Edition
Here is a sample of the newsletter for the ministry. The title, "Kingdoms' Quilt," was chosen to remind us that we are preparing God's kingdom on Earth, and as we form the pieces of God's will together there is a beautiful pattern of his majestic glory. What God puts together cannot be closed, put down or shaken.
(Announced important organization contact informtion. I tried to form a church, Touch of Faith, July 2003).
Do you know who a distant member is? Ministry partners. Please forgive me if this offends anyone.
Pastor and Church History
I was called in 1992 to be a servant for the true Creator. God revealed to me that there were some people in the world that were not being reached. That were not fellowshipping at their local church. High church leaders have informed me that they believe that I would be lead best in a non-denominational setting. If I had to name my spiritual father it would probably be Bishop T.D. Jakes, the pastor of the Potter's House in Dallas, Texas (www.tdjakes.org).
In 2002, I became an ordained pastor in the non-denominational sector. I enjoyed street preaching, and I am now available to guide seminars, conferences, revivals, weddings, funerals, and other religious ceremonies. I am a student of the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad (I have studied Islam and the practices of the Nation of Islam, American religious organization, www.finalcall.com). During the Interfaith study series, I will be teaching out of the Holy Quran and the Holy Bible (King James Version).
Every good sheep needs a good shepherd. My local pastor is Elder Charles Tilghman of the Potter's House Ministries (not belonging to the Potter's House, Texas) on Fairlee Road, Chestertown, Maryland. His philosophy, "where anybody can be somebody."
My philosophy is that the Creator does not care what you call Him (I am that I am..., Exodus). Whether it be God, Lord of Lords, the Almighty, Yaweh, or Allah. He cares of how you serve him, and whether you are a humble servant for kingdom usage. Favorite scripture: if you have just a little bit of faith, then I can bless you. The church mission is solving problems with humble prayers and planting seeds of faith. Our inspirational goal for 2006 is "perserving to prosperity."
Enclosed, you will find the ministries that are now available. Please select a ministry that you would like to be a part of using your skills, talents, and/or gifts. If there are no responses I will assign you to a particular ministry and/or committee.
Teen parenting
Housing resources
Alternative education
Cultural differences
Church organizational committee
Childrens' clothing
Minority business
Kingdoms' Quilt newsletter
Youth activities
Kingdom's Quilt newsletter will be distributed the last week of each month. Please submit your interesting news or prayer requests. As the Lord leads you may receive a personal note from me.
Code of Discipline
I ask that you learn to pray five times a day. The prayers can include prayers for your family, friends, political leaders, countries, etc. Think peaceful thoughts and relax before studying the Holy Bible (Torah, Holy Quran). I ask that women wear dresses, and men wear a tie or bow tie during religious ceremonies or during fellowship (church; sanctuary). If you would like, ladies, you may wear a scarf over your head (the Holy Bible speaks of a covering to respect God). Long hair is also considered a covering. At times, you may see me wearing a scarf. During the winter months, I may wear pants and jacket (Jelbaab, cultural name for attire) to religious gatherings. I realize that some of my readers are from a traditional church setting. I ask that you respect this code.
Peace, unity, and love,
Sherlene Stevens-Gould, Evangelist
Simple Trust by Anna Matthews
Have you ever wondered how trees come alive in the spring...
Barren branches fill with leaves with new buds opening?
And have you seen the crocus push right up through the snow?
How could it know the timing was right for it to show?
The lily bulb, long dormant, in frozen, icy ground
awakens from its slumber, spreads beauty all around.
Knowing leaves that drop in fall appear again in spring...
Shouldn't it be simple to trust God for everything?
God's Gifts by Penelope Gample
Have you ever really thought about the beauty nature brings?
Have you listened at the break of day to a baby robin sing?
Have you seen a pink cloud slipping behind an orange sun when
a patch of gray and purple sky signals the day is done?
Can you ever walk along a beach as your toes push through the sand,
and not wonder how each grain was formed in this ever-mighty land?
Do you feel the wonder of it all with the treasures that you hold?
God's gifts are much more priceless than a storehouse full of gold.
Go ahead and count your blessings--they were yours right from the start.
God's gifts are very precious so keep them in your heart.
Word for the Month
1. Rosh Hashanah - New Year
2. Ramadan - fasting; a sacred celebration
3. Yom Kippur - Day of atonement
4. Sukkot - Pilgrimage festival
_What's on the Menu?_
Suggestion: Unleavened bread, cooked apples, or honey.
Calendar Preview
September (Re-establish and Invite Some One Month)
22 - Rosh Hashanah begins at sunset
23 - Ramadan, 9/23-10/23
24 - I will be at Aaron Chapel's Friends and Family Day (evening service).
21 - Bake sale @ Big Mixx's Beauty Salon
22 - Guest at Emmanuel United Methodist Church's Fashion Show, evening service