The Less Than 15-Min Read, Online Press Release |  The Sherlene Analysis®  



The Less Than 15-Minute Read

OPINION: The Sherlene Analysis: Year 2024


For Immediate Release 


August 2024:

Sharing 31 Days of Advice to Maryland's and Global Children, Youth, and Young Adults (Appreciation Month) 


When I Was a Child, My Youth, and Young Adult Years (Married @ 19)---

  1. In having a visual of your financial habits, it's okay to have a transparent/see-through piggy bank.
  2. I remember when local/nearby parents and adults would toss money on the ground for my kindness work instead of handing it to me--because of the possibility of scolding from their political or religious leaders.
  3. Today, in modern times, there are less people involved in politics and even less members of religious groups. ... much less socially than during your great-grandparents lives.
  4. Most Americans work full-time jobs earning less than $50,000 per year.
  5. In our country, it is more common to become an annual millionaire, and less common to be a billionaire. 
  6. It's not really important of what you know but what you use of what you know that counts. Author unknown.
  7. Know your value of how you can use of what you know.
  8. It's not as important to complete college courses unless you know what skills you desire or need.
  9. Money habits: make all you can, save all you can, and give all you can. Author unknown. 
  10. It really is true, you should dream the biggest dreams that you can imagine for self/your career.
  11. We should never become a cashless society, but it may be a less expensive solution, nationally.
  12. Most Americans are multiracial or interracial, but describe themselves based on a long-standing, major race ethnicities system used by our government.
  13. Completing the census is a very productive way to produce math numbers' data about your local neighborhood and state.
  14. In history, known multiracial national neighbors were considered demons, evil, and sinful relationship activities of women-and-men couples.
  15. DNA is a new scientific way to understand who you are, and where your family originated outside of our country.
  16. There are more whites who live in Africa, Europe, and Australia than on any other continent.
  17. Most African Americans live in our country more than in any other continent.
  18. In history, most local neighbors knew the sound of live music (musicians, instruments, etc.). In basic words, there was always a neighbor or family member who knew how to professionally sing or play an instrument.
  19. We are living in a now technological-using society; it is even more important to have both a hobby, an exercise routine (at least 2 or 3 times a week), interactions with other human beings, and human manners toward another, socially.
  20. Take time, each day, in listening to the outdoor sounds of nature. 
  21. Cursive writing is now a part of the skill of calligraphy art and writing.
  22. There is still a need of common skills in masonry, electrical, plumbing, car mechanical, creating things (roads, buildings, houses), and hand-made things ... even if the demand for such things are minimal in profits.
  23. The purpose of an argument is not about winning a score about a discussed topic, but for an action of an outcome or conclusion.
  24. There are more young adults exploring same-sex relationships, openly, than ever before.
  25. Female same-sex relationships have caused a decline of human reproduction, in our country.
  26. I believe that a family meal table should still be a symbol [of] where family members can eat meals.
  27. Do not toss trash in major water systems, locally.
  28. Male leadership is still preferred at most organizations ... even when there's a major grouping of females.
  29. In today's modern times, most males still earn more than females.
  30. Highest job title in public-service/serving our country. We are going to officially have a first woman President sworn in next year in January 2025. ... in our global history books, forever. An experience that you will witness in your lifetime and will be able to share with younger generations of humanity. 
  31. You can do anything if you have the discipline--no matter "your" level of failures or challenges experienced.



June 2024:

June 18, morning: I am officially a first-time grandmother!!!! My oldest daughter Lanene and her husband are new parents to a boy child. Jimire suprised us by coming today instead of closer to my birth date (7/23), but he is doing really well.   


June 15:                                     2024 Global Virtual Harmony Picnic: Strategy Meeting. 


The Suggestions, Feedback, Comments

1). Choose a different date and time because of all the calendar social activities. Mid-June is such a busy time for national, and UK social events.

2) Call it a 2024 Global Virtual Harmony Meal (a picnic or restaurant  or creative meal-setting personal choice)
3) Do something live during the social event.

4) State your full name on all of your online media pages.

5) Provide your website on all of your online media pages.

6) Do your own things and stop waiting for someone to help or invite you into their social or professional teaming habits.

7) Stop waiting for an apology from the Methodism worshipers, the leaders, or any other religious group involved in the scam matters involving such things here in Maryland. We know now it was the beginning of the street-drug economy and such things.

8 ) Can you remind others, online, that not everyone is using or selling street drugs? Resolution: In my opinion, such topics boost the purpose of highlighting healthcare topics and funding staff in our local communities--wherever healthcare is the major job industry in most rural or disadvantaged communities.

9) Can you remind others, online, that just because we are discussing back togetherness within our own racial identity doesn't mean that we can't go to restaurants or other food venues with other races? Example: Any local restaurant, in our modern times, should not only serve one racial identity of people or social community. Some people are witnessing/experiencing that where there is a majority of one race in a local community, the customer service or quality of service is much different for another racial identity.

10) Is it culturally wrong for people of color not to open the same businesses that we see opened by white-neighbor entrepreneurs? . . . "Can we have more than a religious building partnership--that we don't own--with white folks (neighbors)? Why aren't other racial identities opening different types of businesses?" Resolution: In my opinion, there are only a few people of color here and a few people of color over there--in most of our American communities. There are not enough people of color in some communities to have enough support for black entrepreneur ownership serving just people of color. If you are really a true morally correct entrepreneur, you will serve whomever wants your service and/or products.

11) Update your hometown: Ewingville is not on the Google map. Resolution: Corrected. I changed my hometown from the nearby city of Centreville, MD to Ewingville, MD. People of color including my custodial father's family referred to the housing community as Ewingtown. After doing locality research, its legal name has always been Ewingville, not Ewingtown. Over the years, the community has been considered a part of Kent County, and, later, Queen Anne's County jurisdictional boundaries. No municipality charter of the community has ever been created.



May 2024:

       I would like to invest some time in congratulating my youngest daughter on her recent career accomplishment. Also, a big thank-you to two neighboring state neighbors who hosted her while going through ... MILITARY BASIC TRAINING. I was right there supporting her when she enlisted. It's a little quiet about her graduation accomplishments, but I am so very proud of her. I look forward to updating you, neighbor, on her career advancements, and her way, of official public-service duties.


I'm now a military mom!!!!!!!!


     Note:The caring-for-welfare-clients counselors/workers on Maryland's Eastern Shore, as mentioned in my Facebook post addressed to police officers during National Police Week, should understand that I am the mother of my children. Mental health or cognitive development counselors need to teach or explain to others, those involved in those yesteryears of historical times, that I will always be a part of my children's lives because I am who? Their mom. Simply put, there is no 'sharing' my kids with me. (I know more about my children than you want any of us to know.) Such counselors would like to assume that they are the only ones who can share significant events of my children's lives with me, with us--as though they are taking care of the entire Shore's youth and young adults alone. My young-adult children (as well as other Shore's children) are not theirs. There does exists a communal spirit of caring for all children and young adults in this region because of the high number of parents receiving various forms of financial welfare or benefits. Furthermore, the unusual local involvement of a father living alone does not equate our children to the oddity of zoo animals. Let's learn and use better strategies, counselors serving the Shore. Finally, I now understand that a better approach of managing people, young families, requires more job tasks than some case counselors are willing to do.   


     TSB Team Ladies and Team Gentlemen, Announcing our 2024 Summer Challenge: 

 Exploring The Ways of Care for Today's Young Adults, Youth, and Children Compared to Historically.


May: Team Ladies: Exploring the Ways of Care for Today's Young Adults, Youth, and Children Compared to Historically.


June: Team Gentlemen: Exploring The Ways Men Help in the Care for Today's Young Adults, Youth, and Children Compared to Historically.


July/August: Team Ladies and Team Gentlemen Group Discussions of Best Activities Learned from This Year's Theme Topic.


April 2024:

     TSB Seasonal Giving. A reminder: It's our spring season giving time!  For new neighbors supporting this self-help concierge, I only request a minimum of "four" one-time monetary donations throughout the year (spring, summer, autumn, and winter). Thank you for your patronage to The Sherlene Brand.


March 2024:

     For those following my healthcare scam and my participation with the SSA agency and Maryland. Maybe I wasn't quite clear, it's no longer a matter of my participation in receiving such financial welfare. There should no longer be any third-party involvement asking anyone what happened or if I could please complete this or that form. No, my answer is "No." No, because I never requested to be on such a program anyway. So there's a further no. In summary, it all was an employment case and an active inherited properties case which was overseen and supervised by my native county jurisdiction of Queen Anne's County--where so many outsiders got involved and profited off of my/our/and two county's personal mishaps. Again, of a public statement, I will no longer be asking you here on Facebook or the police "Hello, I received this SSA check in the mail. What should I do with it?" (intro conversation, if any remember in Fiscal Year 2006; Maryland governmental term of Martin O'Malley, the current SSA director, and his administration knew of these case matters).

     I have come up with a new word "departmental-rape" for when you tell someone at a company or government agency no when you don't want to be or demand not to be involved in a thing or attached to a thing relating to non-sexual matters:
1)  My Kent County education employment case and matters were closed in 2009.
2)  Section 8 housing opportunity for my family composition offered by the Baltimore HUD Field Office concluded in 2019.
3) What I said were thefts of my inherited properties occurred and concluded in 2021: Queen Anne's County and Kent County jurisdictions.
4) My Delaware college loan matter concluded in 2023.

      Further, I am going to give an update on the response to my recent HUD lawsuit on my website involving the rights to participate in affordable housing and the Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP), A housing welfare federal program that was originally created in 1937. Yet, my county neighbors of the Eastern Shore, Maryland never knew such a housing program existed until Fiscal Year 1989.

     I don't know who may be still holding tothe activities of my stated Maryland and Delaware case matters, but I am telling and urging you to let it go.  (HUD's third-party agencies, the agencies that it distributes yearly funding and budget allotment to concluded my household's participation before I actually inherited my family property/ies, through no fault of my own ... City of Annapolis Housing Authority and Baltimore HUD Field Office. That is why I am no longer currently living in the state of Georgia after COVID-19. Rumor control: In basic words, no one is demanding or enforcing that I, my ex-husband, or my four children stay in our home state of Maryland. All Maryland agencies [state government agencies] now have been informed that I absolutely 'was not' sick when I gave birth to my four biological children and that I have four biological children living.)



February 2024:


     A public information outcome. On February 28, 2024, the United States District Court For the District of Maryland decided to "dismiss" my civil case: Sherlene Stevens vs.defendant Baltimore HUD Field Office (Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis, federal program HUD) while having paper copies of review: my household's set of affordable-housing paperwork; and a copy of settled debt statement submitted by debt agency representing the City of Annapolis Housing Authority of my alleged outstanding rent balance. Such a settled-debt statement was provided one year before I pursued such a civil matter request. (Posted opinion statement on March 26, 2024)



January 2024:


Opinion To Conclude Jan. TSB Social Theme (Mentoring/Coaching Another Month): Here is my response of advice to never explain, or complain about issues. You have a human sound; use your written or voice sound to express yourself. If you believe that you can never forgive someone about something, take a look at the following Forgiveness Chart:





                              MY FORGIVENESS CHART


  For most of my life, I both grew up and lived in Queen Anne's County, Maryland.

True, Eastern Shore Island Dispute.

*Okay, forgiveness.

  My 15-year-old mother originally from and has mostly lived in Kent County, Maryland (minus two/three years).

True, Eastern Shore Island Cultural Norm Issue. 

*Okay, forgiveness.

  Most black and mixed people exchanged young children quite often due to American economics.

True, National Cultural Norm Issue.

*Okay, forgiveness.

  Black people take other's children, and white people take other's land/real estate. 

I'm starting to believe this wise saying. 

*Okay, work on that forgiveness feeling about that. 

  Black religious leaders' script is to be God, daily. 

I'm starting to believe this cultural norm mentality. 

*Okay, that's a mental thing of such beliefs. Forgiveness.

  Today, gifted children should not attend traditional public schooling. Nope, I'm starting to believe that most of such educational settings is not best for such learners to prevent bullying feelings by others, and accessibility to further learning opportunities.
  Today, there are more home schoolers than ever before.  True, National Cultural Norm Issue.
  One county says ,"She homeschooled her child over here. Yes, we allow homeschooling here." Home county says, "No, no homeschooling by this people-of-color family in my county. Attend our public schooling system, you'll like it, child."

True, this happened. Made into both a county/county/county and state issue.


*Okay, I had to work on that forgiveness feeling about that ... from my own home county."


Local school system:"Sorry, you'll have to resign if you want to finish your college (teaching) courses. You can not leave early from work or take time off." 


Me: "But you knew that I was only working in this low-entry position until I graduated from teaching college."


"No, your principal/boss was wrong to give you such permission."

True, this happened. I had to choose. This happened after they had lured me away from my full-time transportation state job. State boss, "Where's my employee?"


*Okay, forgiveness.

Husband: "I don't have all the money for our household budget." 


Me: "You know, I'm working a full-time job, a part-time job, and attending college full-time."


Husband: "Yes, so what? I don't have it.You the one who wanted to buy a newer car along with our bills. I don't have a car so, I don't have such bills."


Me: "Yeah, and without a reliable car, I wouldn't be able to attend my teaching college, or go places as we do."


True, this happenend.


*Okay, forgiveness (after the divorce).

My auto insurance: "Lady, your husband had an accident while attempting to hide his car behind his mistress's home. He hit her parked car while attempting to hide it. He lied to you."


Husband: "I was at a nearby grocery store, and I had an accident ... a white female was involved."




True, this happened. A man that could did no wrong in the eyes of so many, here on the Eastern Shore Island. (What ya doing (or did) for them, your such good-knit friends and them, fellow?)


*Okay, forgiveness.


Before marriage, boyfriend: "My aunt's husband took his own life. He shot himself with one of his rifles."


Me: "Sorry to hear about that You were home at the time? Are you okay?"

True, this happened.

Husband: "It's too much living such a lifestyle rhat you're in. I want a divorce. I'm sorry, I thought this is what I wanted to live, too. Thank you for believing in me, and inspiring my transportation career."


Me: Oh, gee, you're welcome (now that you've tried ruining my public-figure lifestyle to avoid debt of child support and alimony."


True, this happened.


*Okay, it took a while for me to not have sad feelings when seeing him entertaining other women. Forgiveness. 

  "If I can't have you, no one else will. Fuck yourself."

True, uh-huh, this happened.


Our children separated from me for the divorce-and-cultural feelings feud."There his kids." (meaning my ex-husband's)


Me: "Oh yeah, whose womb did they come out of? Who has been staying home with them as a stay-at-home mom all the  while attending college and working? If you want him to raise our kids, you're of the LGTBQ+ community, you're gay. You have a screwed up sense of what it means of a traditional family dynamics. Moms, a teacher, should have here kids with her on a full-time basis."


True, this happened.

*Okay, I admit that I've had to work on such forgiveness.

Husband: "I can't live with you anymore. I don't know how to live with you if we're not going to be married anymore."


Me: "You're selfish. It's all about you, and your friends. Never about what's best for our kids and me."



True, this happened.


*Okay. forgiveness.


Lady: "Since you're homeless, here is a Section 8 voucher. Go, start a new life without your husband and children."


Me: "You want me to sign a contract stating that I don't want to live with my husband and children?"


Lady: "Yes. Look if you want to have some place to live, you have to sign this."


Me: "I'd rather live on the street than to sign such a contract of housing welfare."


Lady: "Okay, I will tell my boss that you didn't want to sign it. Next, person."


True, this happened. Yes, I was often advised to not disclose that I am the mother of four while on financial and housing welfare in this country--even when my ex-husband and I agreed of such full-time living arrangements actions."


*Okay. Uhm, honestly, I'm starting to think that I'm in some type of health-care scam. Yeah, I'm not sure how to forgive this."


Stranger: "You own many properties, for real."


Me: "You think so. So why aren't I living in one of them right now. What was the important of having me on Section 8 if I had housing choices? After so many years, too. You know, I was told that I use that voucher to purchase my first starter home. I'm feeling disgusted with government welfare things right now."

True, this happened, too. What in the world?!


*What's that word called again? Yes, f-o-r-g-i-v-e-n-e-s-s for their mentality of their cultural norms and their stupidity. 

My ex-husband has now remairred.  

True, and he is happy in his newest marriage as a more emotionally mature person. We have forgiven each other for our immaturity of such things. In summary, we were children (age 13 when we met) we were first entangled in such cultural things



Opinon of a Trending Online Topic:  I believe that "only a few: of the entire human population are not black or people-of-color ethnicity category. In basic words, the majority of the world's humans are of the black race. As I look beyond North America, International people, most of you are truly people of color. 



With Love, 
