Who is Sherlene Stevens?

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Childhood and Early Life
Wonderful Upbringing ...
A Typical, Normal, Large Family So I Thought . . .
The Script in My Box: A Journal of Forgiveness (Memoir)
1971 Sherlene was born at a rural hospital in Chestertown City of Kent County, but lived in an all-family small community in "Northern Queen Anne's County": postal mail inclusion of nearby Chestertown, Maryland of Kent County instead of Church Hill, Maryland's postal service. Her mother was only 15 at the time. She was "adopted" immediately after her birth by two devoted adults (a stranger-male identity in her life, and her maternal biological grandmother who was multi-racial herself).
1978 As a gifted-and-talented elementary student at a community basic school in Kent County, MD, she began participating with the state of Maryland's 4-H and Youth Development program--although her home base were she actually lived was in Queen Anne's County. Sherlene's spirit has always been of helping children and the elderly within her local community--she enjoyed learning humanitarian skills "as if" she was in a more urban environment. Her childhood cultural setting was in a very rural and southern disadvantaged area of Maryland: A child (G&T student in a disadvantaged area that lacked other educational outlets) who still needed to be educated.
1984 She began babysitting mostly white children (in-home, mother's helper, and at her mother's Johnsontown/ Pomona, Maryland rental home). During her early years, Sherlene was also home-schooled by her young mother who, herself, had been once a community worker in Queen Anne's County.
1985 High School studies, Business: Office Technology and Education (College Prep). Sherlene, also, participated in the Queen Anne's County High School choir for a short time, and joined a committee for improved class social events. She tutored youth in Kent County, Maryland: math, reading, and the arts with activities including outdoor physical education.
1987 Sherlene was a long-time member (age 7-17) of Chestertown Reach Outs 4-H Club located in nearby Chestertown City, Maryland--although she lived in Queen Anne's County. She once discussed community economic plans with the Town of Chestertown in regard to a youth-center setting proposal. The suggested building now houses a local Dollar General and WIN thrift store. During her junior year of high school (Queen Anne's County), From age 18 - 23, Sherlene led an official non-paid 4-H club 'Young Developers 4-H Club.' (The Chestertown City youth selected the name choice of the club.) While working with these rural-city youth, she developed Maryland's "first" summer-school enrichment program for the "entire state." She developed the curriculum (the lesson plans, etc.) with resources provided by local independent retail businesses, Parks and Recreation government organization, and the local elementary and middle school in the city of Chestertown. Parents would often contribute snacks for all of the group's youth members. The club meetings were held at the local library of Chestertown, and at Wilmer's Park in downtown Chestertown. During the summer months of 1987 and 1988, she worked a summer-intern paid position in state government as an office assistant.
1989 In May 1989, Sherlene received a high-school diploma from Queen Anne's County High School (Office Technology and Education, and College Prep). She received a full college scholarship by the 4-H Youth Development program for her youth-career achievements in Kent County--overlooking the realization that, legally, she was a long-standing citizen of Queen Anne's County. She also took and passed the State of Maryland's clerical exam for government employment. Immediately after graduating high school, Sherlene made a decision to work for government on a full-time 'paid' basis, and attended college at a nearby community college (Chesapeake College). In December 1989, Sherlene was hired by Maryland government as a full-time administrative assistant for the front-end/main office of District-2 State Highway Administration (Chestertown, MD; State-roads government, including tracking state and local weather for traveling citizens and staff).
1992 Sherlene took a leave of absence from State Highway to decide whether to further her college experience, or to continue working at the particular government agency. She wanted to explore a career as an educator at the local public-school system of Kent County, same company benefits and more pay with teacher calender-months employment vs. working year-round.
College Years
Meaness, Racial Hatred, and Cultural Dysfunction
1992 College matriculation agreement. Sherlene transfers from Chesapeake College to her actual 4-year college experience at Delaware State College (now University), Dover, Delaware. She majored in a dual-major education program: Business Education and Marketing, and Education - Grade 5 -12 gifted & talented track. The college-major program was not offered anywhere else within a 200 mile radius. She continued to work paid positions while attending college: as a substitute teacher, and several other local part-time jobs.
1993 Sherlene worked as a substitute teacher for the local-schooling district in Chestertown City for one year before being hired on a full-time basis (assumed pending teacher-degree college forthcoming). Sherlene is hired full-time as a teacher's aide first. Next, a yearly employment contract as an instructional assistant position (not a teacher's position) for an alternative classroom approach for at-risk and disadvantaged middle-schoolers.
1994 - 1996 Sherlene's education-work experiences included creating a modern-approach alternative education classroom model to both increase academic desire and improved discipline of learning in the traditional-classroom environment. Sherlene was given her own classroom setting in the local middle-school building, similar to her activities with her 4-H group. In 1994, her first daughter was born. In June 1996, she was very close in her aspirations of completing her bachelor's degree major program. She temporarily resigned from her school position to complete requested "day hours" of the teacher education program at Delaware State University. (The question: did she have to resign to complete her teacher's college program?) During this time, she began home-schooling her first daughter (early education). All the while, Sherlene was still under the said local-school or county employment contract.
1997 Sherlene, the college student, worked part-time at the local hospital in Chestertown; front-end main switchboard (CBX) operator. Sherlene's one-year salary contract is ignored by the local school system, oddly, as though some type of action to avoid her having substantial income or money. This is when Sherlene received her second Queen Anne's County property to formally oversee, by her grandmother's request, the home owner. Her grandmother was a home owner of two homes in Queen Anne's County.
1998 Sherlene (and other students of the dual major) was told that the major would no longer be honored due to the renovation phase at the college (Delaware State College's transition in becoming a university vs. continuance as a state college ... due to the NCATE teaching reform policies). She was given the option of changing her major, or transferring to a different college. She experienced staff harassment in demanding that she change her major from the non-existing major. (Sherlene was not able to adhere to the college's own rules of allowing an active student to graduate under an already-participating-in major program.) Sherlene drives, her newly purchased vehicle, 3/4 times a week from the family home in Queen Anne's County jurisdiction to Dover, Delaware on average 3/4 times a week. In November 1998, her second daughter was born.
2000 Sherlene announced her pre-divorce actions and request to the community of Kent County after recently discovering that her then-husband wanted no parts of her longstanding work ethic and humanitarian activities. Both she and her then-husband decided that she would continue home-schooling "their own" children, however. (two girls, early education of traditional schooling and Montessori principles as her mom had done with her). "Just leave the education stuff alone of teaching other people's children," was his hope. Their two children, girls, attended, however, a local public-school's summer-enrichment program (actually Sherlene's program now adapted by Parks and Recreation and housed in local public schools throughout Kent County).
2001 Sherlene remained married after said marital-separation announcement. She began taking courses again at Chesapeake College to become a child care director. (funding provided by a local government agency based on the town's need for a child-care center module after the original model abruptly closed) Her goal was to open a family center with a day care/learning center spacing in the Chestertown City-community area. She took liberal arts courses, and completes a 90-clock hour certification in Early Childhood Education. For a short time, she was employed, part-time, within her upbringing schooling jurisdiction at Queen Anne's County Board of Education as a home hospital teacher, and a substitute teacher (two separate part-time jobs). In August 2001, her third child is born, a son.
2002 In August 2002, her fourth child is born, her youngest daughter. Sherlene has four children now--3 daughters and 1 son--who participated in the home-schooling model experience, mostly using the Montessori teaching style while adhering to the community-jurisdiction laws of traditional-schooling objectives.
2003 Sherlene tried again: She discussed a second leadership plan with the Town of Chestertown in regard to using the old building of the Family Support Center in the Business Park (Emory Hill) complex. All constituents approved the location site (without offering financial donations). Kent County's general public thought it was a wonderful idea, but Chestertown City's citizens and leaders didn't believe that I could achieve such a thing without being formally trained or experience in such skill set. Kent County Schools approves a portion of the site for usage: A Time To Learn was a formal and legal learning center entrepreneurial endeavor. Due to the cultural outcries, Sherlene's husband chose to move her and their children out of Kent County, abruptly. At the same time of this confusion, he received and accepted a new job offer. Her family moved to Centreville, MD. The effects of extreme storm Storm Isabel caused Sherlene and their kids to move a short time to Hartly, Delaware. After her family's return to her hometown area, she formed several ministries while a member of Aaron Chapel United Methodist Church, Rock Hall, MD. Sherlene's beliefs in personal devotion caused her to explore become a clergy member of the United Methodist Church denomination. She was a lay speaker of the United Methodist Church, Easton, MD (Eastern Peninsula), 2002-2003. She completed the Parents and Families Education Information training (Maryland government and national training), Spring 2003.
2004 Due to her husband's latest at-home truck-driving job opportunity, she and her family relocated to Greensboro, MD. There the county highlighted the topic of the Eastern Shore's cultural and racial conflicts and disputes: sadly, this was the final year of her kids' home-schooling reviews and participation. Academic reviews were completed and approved by the local Board of Education in Caroline County, MD.
2005 - 2006 Sherlene experienced a forced and arranged separation from both her husband and children(!). She lived in the Kent County family home, an estate home, owned by her maternal Hicks family: an Edesville, MD home of more than 100 years! The property lot/properties were added to her existing leadership responsibilities of an Eastern Shore real-estate portfolio. She didn't realize that she could have had an interest in inheritance before moving out of this home. She was focused on regaining the legal right of her children living with her on a full-time basis, she attends Sojourner Douglass College by the suggestion of the State of Maryland. Her personal financial goal was to finally complete her bachelor's degree and required courses needed for Delaware State University teacher credential review. In February 2007, Sherlene and husband divorced. Sherlene became a forced victim of health care fraud, a social worker impersonated being a staff member of the federal program Social Security Administration in an attempt to take away Sherlene's family lots on the Eastern Shore, Maryland.
2007 - 2008 Sherlene and her ex-husband begin co-parenting their four biological children which was not the cultural norm; "My children not separated while growing up" was Sherlene's hope and mission. Sherlene became homeless for a short time because of the state's interactions with her throughout her career and college aspirations, and family homeownership disputes. Does she get the housing portfolio? Sherlene finally received a bachelor's degree from Wilmington University of Delaware. Her degree was not under the teaching track, however. She received a degree in General Studies with a Business Administration emphasis. Before receiving her degree in hand, after completing all required college courses, she abruptly moved to Wilmington, Delaware. She moved there with hopes of a new life and opportunities of full-time job employment to have adequate financial means to care for her children and have them live with her on a full-time basis.. AND THEN the "economic recession" occurred, including major lay-offs of teachers, and closures of most staffing agencies in the New Castle County, Delaware area.
Launch of Existing Company Brand
May I Help You? ... Your Family?...
2007 Sherlene moved to Wilmington, Delaware under a promise and opportunity of affordable housing (Section 8 housing welfare assistance): Should she receive a welfare HUD housing voucher for a 1-bedroom or a 3-bedroom? or a 4-bedroom? were the highlighted disputes made by government staffers (Maryland, Delaware government staffers). Her children begin to visiting her at her adequate-and-consistent dwelling in Wilmington. The State of Maryland suggested a housing voucher in Maryland, but she was currently working in Delaware, and chose not to do so.
2009 Sherlene created her business brand using any and all of her personal experiences to generate consistent income to be more self-sufficient--like her past before the job dysfunctions with Kent County, Maryland's schooling system. In October 2009, she launched Its An Event And Company. The company's web site was introduced under several website names. It's now written in stone:) sherleneonline.com (and sherlenestevens.com). Living in Delaware, she returned to substituting with intentions on working as a full-time teacher (emergency certification qualified per Dept. of Education). She also received a formal Delaware Early Education teaching certificate.
2011 In 2011, Sherlene lived in Newark, Delaware. She opened a mini non-formal private school in Delaware for a short time (a home-schooling model). She begins course work in a master's degree program at Jones International University, online.
2012 Her memoir releases (June 5) "The Script in My Box: A Journal of Forgiveness." It is a straight-talk mystery novel for young adults, and families. It discusses family life and dysfunctional life experiences or challenges that can be avoided. She had a lot of unanswered questions that she attempted to express in her mystery genre memoir. Sherlene completes her master's degree, and online college experience. She also recently completed a formal janitorial franchise certification from Stratus Building Solutions, including lawn care property management services: hospitality emphasis.
2013 During the month of December 2012, Sherlene relocated to the District of Columbia (D.C.). She enjoyed this living arrangement because she has always had an interest in politics (public administration/government agency administration), too. Again, she is a longstanding 4-H alumnus. She was able to relocate to D.C. under the Section 8 housing welfare program. The program allowed her tradtional housing welfare funding and assistance enough for her and her four children (co-living or full-time housing regulations).
2015 An opportunity became available to Sherlene to move to Georgia (!). She and her children had made plans to live in Union City, Georgia. It is a rural area just like she had known all her life while living on Maryland's Eastern Shore. Unfortunately, her household's plans changed abruptly because of the abrupt situation of her ailing grandmother and custodial father/step-grandfather. She continued to commute back to the Eastern Shore from Union City, Georgia while making arrangements, family plans, to return to Maryland: after one unusual visit with her loved ones and discovered, fully aware, that no one was really caring for them out of her family sets.
2016 In the year of our Lord 2016, Sherlene's maternal grandmother dies. Sherlene becomes the immediate heir to their family home via a will that she absolutely new nothing about. A will designed by a long-standing family attorney. She came back to her home state of Maryland to help with the care of her custodial father: she and her four children made different plans for the family. ... different colleges, different jobs, etc.
2017 Sherlene returns back home thinking that she would remain living in the family home in Queen Anne's County, with her custodial fathers, as her commute from Georgia. Due to family feelings she was forced to live nearby in the City of Annapolis, Maryland. She chose Annapolis to be closer to maternal and paternal family, but she didn't get to choose her exact dwelling under the housing welfare program. It was decided for her by Baltimore HUD government staffers of Maryland. Living in Annapolis, also, allowed her to resume co-living and full-housing arrangements adapted by her joint-custodial rights involving her four children. After her relocation with no immediate job opportunities, she began volunteering (on 8/26) as a local weather communication director when applicable; Redeveloped her disaster-relief project platform available to her audience family (website, social media, etc.).
End-of-Year, 2017. Rebranding effort of company name from Its An Event and Company to The Sherlene Brand (adapting the original company vision intent).
2018 Digital Online Media Executive available 24/7 Portal Platform and Web Page Owner (Family-lifestyle interest platform). Available from 10 a.m. Mondays - Saturdays, and Sundays closed.
2019 Launched formal family-appropriate news feed on this family-portal platform model, Sherlene NEWS (Sherlene News Media and Broadcasting with a mission and purpose of offering family equity in journalism. A Time To Learn Academy, non-profit, referenced as a formal employment and career-counseling organization. In 2019, Sherlene's custodial father dies, and she became the total heir to his estate via a will. She began her leadership of the two-home real estate portfolio.
2020 A state of Maryland court informs Sherlene that she is the heir to two wills under their jurisdiction, Sherlene returns to living in the family home to maintain and preserve it for the estate. None of the other extended family members were knowledgeable of its upkeep, except for her. She brings back to the Eastern Shore her company The Sherlene Brand, and public-charity non-profit A Time To Learn Academy.
During the estate court interactions, she learns that she is really, legally, multi-racial.
2021 So her realization, she learned, was that she was adopted at birth by the late William L. Wright. Now what? New chapters of life experiences begin for her and her children, and my extended family sets, now her custodial father and maternal grandmother are both now deceased (d. 2019, d. 2016). We, the family lines, now have opportunities to get to know each other or not ... "What's your name?" ... "Who are you within the family?"
2022 During situations beyond her control, a reversal of the estate, an eviction: Sherlene relocates herself and her companies to Chestertown City, Maryland (Kent County). She is learned more of her family dynamics, nationally and internationally.
(November) A Time To Learn Academy, Sherlene's non-profit, begins its rebranding actions of its education vision: financial and the how-tos of recycling-activities education mission.
2023 After helping out during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020 - 2023) of delivering groceries to the elderly and disabled, those lacking transportation and living in the most rural wooded parts of Maryland's eastern shore, and those recovering from the COVID illness, TSB Shuttles, LLC continues to help local communities by offering both passenger transportation and logistics services.
2024 TSB Shuttles LLC now is a 2-vehicle fleet that provides local. long distance. and global-friendly.
Master's (one master's degree)
-Jones International University (Business Management and Communications)
Bachelor's and a Bachelor's Equivalent (two bachelor's degrees)
-Wilmington University (General Studies specializing in business management)
-Delaware State University before transferring to Wilmington University: Dual, Specialty Concentration: Business Management, Education (G&T, Pre K - Grade 12)
Other College Coursework Emphasis
Psychology; and Humanities
-90 clock hours in Early Childhood Education certification,
-TECE I & TECE II; Infant and Toddlers (45 clock hrs.), and can be considered for an emergency state public-school teacher in any state (Business Education certification).
NewMonday, InterestingTuesday, DoableWednesday, AnticipatingThursday, PleasantFriday, InvestmentSaturday, and Eco-Friendly Sunday; (Have A Nice Day, Smile To One Stranger Every Day,Kindness Wins Always, It's OK To Have Feelings, and Solving Problems with Humble Prayers and Planting Seeds With Faith); A Global Business located in the States; Its An Event and Company now known as The Sherlene Brand or TSB Concierge, and TSB Community.
Are You Prepared To Be Talked About? are words of A Time To Learn Academy. Motto: We are in business to help others.
Company Values: Faith, Determination, Skills, Education, Partnerships, Networking
Copyright. Sherlene®. All Rights Reserved.