The New Monday Show with Sherlene Stevens


A revised broadcast, New Episodes Coming Soon in 2024!



Episode (Monday, April 2023) 

Episode Topic: Reading the Reports of Our TSB Bi-Racial Race Appreciation Month and theme. 


Parental Note: Family-appropriate topic.


#Diversity #Bi-RacialCouples #Feelings




New Monday Show

with Sherlene Stevens


Description: A financial social-classes commentary broadcast to help organize your life's Experiences Box. This Christian broadcast includes sharing the word of God and financial motivations with understanding translation discussion with Sherlene Stevens. This broadcast is a welcoming approach to the Christian faith for the believers of religion, the spiritually homeless, and non-Christian neighbors, too.


Purpose: Did you know that your financial habits can be

financially unhealthy or financially healthy


Concepts Referenced of Lacking or Blessed

1) Financially;

2) Academically;

3) Physically; and,

4) Spiritually.


If not, you have now...  --> Click Now To Listen To Former Broadcasts of This Show  


Live Broadcast on Mondays. A financial social-classes commentary broadcast.


The bible says to not give a thing until you have first received.


As a faith-believer, daily, strive to mirror your productive emotions and actions. Reflect such feelings outwardly to others, to all socio-economic classes. Demonstrate or reflect the healthy emotions of your personal cross, your personal character, to your immediate family and to others.


Standard Salvation Prayer

Would you like to change your family's expectations? Do you need a new purpose for your life? Or, maybe no one has ever told you that you can start a new life journey. Do you know how to follow your unique purpose of living or career endeavors?


When you are ready, say the following prayer---

Dear Lord,

     I would like to pray to you today. I am a sinner who wants forgiveness. Lord, I repent. I accept you as my Lord and Savior. I know that I may be challenged by my past as I begin to change my life, and that life as a Christian is not all good days. Right now, in Jesus name and with his help, I will begin my new life. I realize that you, God, work through Jesus and the Holy Spirit. God you are the "one" true and living God. Thank you for saving me. Amen.

     You are now saved. Its simple to say. Yet, it is up to you to view each day as a new day to keep the faith, focusing on personal goals that you have made. Pray for guidance, strength, and confidence in your new life. If you just want to talk or pray with another faith believer phone me.


*Note: Former broadcasts (Quran lecture series, former online Christian revivals)
at or (Job - Proverbs) and at


Sherlene encourages the importance of family traditions, and constructive family behaviors. Her youth faith-believing upbringing was as a United Methodist denomination member. She has been a United Methodist trained lay speaker. Currently, her faith beliefs are still of the Presbyterian beliefs in the Three-Person of God (God, Holy Spirit, and Jesus). Sherlene has formed God In Christ's Purpose Assembly "GICPA" or known as the TSB faith-based neighbors community. 

Free Bible Study Series

Click for King James Version Bible Study Series, For Self Pace or Year-Long Study (Facebook video collection)


A faith-based guide: What is a GICPA Devotion Note? An online devotion-note add-on of the former bible-study series. 


Copyright® 2009 - 2024 God In Christs Purpose Assembly (GICPA). All Rights Reserved.