1. Beat butter and peanut butter in large bowl until blended.
2. Gradually add powdered sugar, beating until well-blended.
3. Place in a bowl and cover. Refrigerate until firm enough to shape, about 30 min.
4. Shape into 1 1/2-inch balls.
5. Melt chocolate bark according to package directions.
6. Best results are when peanut butter balls have had time to come to room temperature and dry a little on the outside. If they are straight out of the refrigerator, the peanut butter gets condensation on it, and the chocolate doesn't stick. Using a tooth pick or wooden skewer, dip each ball into chocolate--coating 3/4 of the ball.
7. Place on wax paper, uncoated side up. Let stand until chocolate sets up. Store in airtight container at room temperature.